“Brennan have been incredible technology enablers. Being able to tick boxes that other organisations simply can’t has been transformative.”
“We can analyse referrals, medications and outcomes by small sub-groups. We know when and where to follow up, and that makes the citizen the ultimate beneficiary.”
“Brennan has helped us transform our business; delivering a cloud environment that has become much, much easier to manage, which means less maintenance and greater stability. We’ve also raised security and network reliability, and importantly, given our people new ways to travel and connect to the organisation even when they’re on the road.”
“Although the transition happened in the background, the results were almost immediate, with anecdotal comments coming in from all parts of the business, remarking on how fast and helpful the help desk had become, literally overnight.”
“The work completed to date has unequivocally changed how RANZCR operates and performs for our community, reflecting the organisation as a true leader in health sector education in the areas of clinical radiology and radiation oncology across Australia and New Zealand.”