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Aurizon is Australia’s largest rail freight operator – connecting miners, primary producers, and industry with international and domestic markets. Every year they transport 250+ million tonnes of Australian commodities across an extensive Australian rail and road network. They also employ 4,000+ staff, across 50+ locations. The business was looking to make some significant improvements to its end-user support and IT Platform support services and wanted a mature, flexible, and agile managed services provider that could deliver exceptional service well into the future.
In 2019, Aurizon made the decision to look at how they could transform their outsourced managed IT services, as part of a strategic plan to enable greater innovation and increased flexibility.
They were also looking for a different way to deliver IT support, for a partner that could drive innovation and continuous technology improvement – ensuring the business continued to maintain its competitive advantage, providing the speed, quality, and security their business and its customers depend on.
So, they decided to put their IT Managed Services – worth $20M over multiple years – out to tender.
Several global IT outsourcers submitted proposals, however, Aurizon recognised Brennan IT’s ability to work in partnership and their commitment to developing and delivering the best possible solution.
After being awarded the contract in early 2020, Brennan IT assembled a core team of experienced Brennan staff, and began recruitment to build out a dedicated Aurizon support team of 40+ staff within their own business – a very challenging task during a global pandemic. They reviewed 4,000 applicants, conducted 700 technical tests, and completed 200 interviews – the majority of which were virtual – to assemble the best possible team.
With these foundations in place, Brennan IT worked closely with Aurizon’s internal IT team and their incumbent to refine the plan to ensure this large-scale IT Managed Services transition would happen seamlessly, in stages, with minimal risk and business disruption.
As they embarked on the planning, they quickly had to pivot their approach to the transition to cope with COVID-related restrictions, which meant almost everything originally planned, face-to-face shadowing, onsite workshops, etc… had to be worked on and delivered remotely.
Large-scale migrations are no easy task – yet Brennan IT delivered all services on time, with a significant number being delivered 4 to 8 weeks earlier than originally planned and with no significant interruption to Aurizon’s operations or people, all during a global pandemic.
Brennan IT is now providing ongoing managed IT services to Aurizon – supporting its 4,000+ users, 160+ meeting rooms, 1,000+ servers, and 1,000+ network devices around the clock.
Dave Stevens, Brennan IT’s Managing Director, believes the success of the Aurizon relationship comes down to the fact that both organisations have a similar approach and ethos when it comes to valuing culture, people, great service, and ongoing innovation.
“We’re thrilled with the outcome of this initial phase and are very excited about our ongoing partnership. We provide a wide range of managed services and support to Aurizon’s users and have formed a trusted working partnership that is set to last well into the future,” he says.
“This partnership comes off the back of several large recent enterprise wins for us – with clients such as Ingham’s, Wellways, Mycar, Audi VW, and McDonald’s – and further illustrates what the enterprise market has been telling us, they want an MSP that is nimble, flexible and can provide great service at scale. It is clear they are looking for a change and we are perfectly positioned to help,” adds Stevens.
The next phase will involve maximising Aurizon’s continuous enhancement capabilities via a dedicated team which includes people on-site at Aurizon’s head office in Brisbane, as well as various regional locations.
Michelle Primmer
Head of Marketing
0420 573 617
For more information on Brennan, visit
Read the article online: CRN, click here. | ARN, click here.
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