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In today’s fast-moving world, hyper-automation is becoming an increasingly critical part of business success. It can help enterprises reduce repetitive or monotonous tasks and processes, lower costs, and scale capabilities in ways that humans simply cannot. Most importantly, when laborious tasks are automated, people get the gift of time back and employees are able to take on more high-value, strategic and rewarding tasks. Gartner had previously predicted significant growth in hyper-automation, estimating the global market would reach $481.6 billion in 2020. However, now Gartner is saying it’s tipped to reach $596.6 billion by the end of 2022. 1
The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated the need for hyper-automation – pushing legacy processes well beyond their capacity and ability. It has been the CIOs who invested in automation, advanced analytics, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) that have seen the best results and were able to adapt to the dramatic disruption. 2
According to recent research, the pandemic also prompted many executives to rethink the role advanced technologies could play in the future of business – with robotic process automation and hyper-automation at the top of the list.3
Looking towards the future, companies that don’t embrace hyper-automation will start to miss vital opportunities to innovate and streamline their operations, improve the customer experience and empower their people.
Despite all of this, many businesses are still struggling with the concept of hyper-automation, and in finding ways to apply it – particularly when it comes to customer and employee experience. In fact, IDC predicts that throughout 2023, a third of enterprises’ hybrid workforce and business automation efforts are at risk of being delayed or will fail outright due to underinvestment in the right technology, as well as a lack of skills. 5
In this eBook, we discuss what hyper-automation is, its benefits and challenges, and the steps your organisation can take to make it work for you.